Featured Products
Gratitude Hoodie (presale)$60.00
Who am I? 3 day class$500.00 / Sold Out
Live portrait session$800.00
Enamel pins$12.00
Sticker pack (newest designs)$25.00
2024 sticker pack$30.00
S-dick-r packs$20.00
Hand painted notebook$60.00
around me riso print$20.00
“A Ripple in Every Direction” reductive linocut print$50.00
Candy body print$40.00
Just a touch overwhelmed print$45.00
Guided by the gut print$45.00
“Acceptance and the Path Moving Forward” print$45.00
“Go on” print$45.00
“To be and feel held” print$100.00
Feelings of intense bliss$400.00
for fun$500.00
Brain shell study no1$500.00
Open container$300.00
Open embrace$360.00 / Sold Out
“Hot air balloon” and “trailing off”$400.00 / Sold Out
Observing an example of constant change$700.00
To care for$1,000.00 / Sold Out
“The Incinerator’s guard”$2,000.00
even the smallest light source$3,000.00
Sitting in the dark$3,000.00
Rounding a second corner$4,000.00
to move through a crowded room$4,000.00
Mirror study 2.22-5.22$1,000.00
Mirror study 10.22-5.23$1,000.00
Mirror study 6.23-9.23$1,000.00
Mirror studies 10.23-4.24$1,000.00